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Table of Contents for: Ye Are Gods by Annalee Skarin & Commentary by Reborn R. S. Whitefield →


Chapter XVIII

Remember all the times in your life when you felt a longing for something more? You knew that your life wasn't really the way it was supposed to be but you just didn't know what was missing. You've longed for a fulfillment that seemed to mock you as you searched for it through material, earthly means time and time again. Yet the void seemed to enlarge within you. And you've wondered where the answer is. The answer is in this chapter -- and it is inside of you. It is inside us all unless we smother it with our ignorance and doubts. Read these teachings and you will know how to discover YOUR true pattern of life.


Light is life, and life is intelligence, or Spirit. It is energy. It is motion and activity -- and it is the power of God. By it and OF it all things were created -- the universe -- the stars -- the worlds -- and mankind.

". . . The light of Truth.

"Which truth shineth. THIS IS THE LIGHT OF CHRIST. As also he is in the sun, and the light of the sun, and the power thereof by which it was made.

"As also he is in the moon, and is the light of the moon, and the power thereof by which it was made;

"As also the light of the stars, and the power thereof by which they were made;

"And the earth also, and the power thereof, even the earth upon which you stand.

"And the light which shineth, which giveth you light, is through him who enlighteneth your eyes, which is the same light that quickeneth your understandings:


"The light which is in all things, which giveth life to all things, which is the law by which all things are governed, EVEN THE POWER OF GOD, who sitteth upon his throne, who is in the bosom of eternity, who is in the midst of all things."1

The law by which all things are governed, which is in the midst of all things, or in the very center of all things, is one of the most remarkable explanations ever given. The law which governs man is his conscience, deep in the midst of him. It is most assuredly true, "That the light shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehendeth it not; nevertheless, the day shall come when you shall comprehend even God, being quickened in him and by him."2 Or when we learn to hear clearly and distinctly the voice of God as it speaks out of the depths of our own souls.

"Behold, here is the agency of man, and here is the condemnation of man; because that which was from the beginning is plainly manifest unto them, and they receive not the light.

"And every man whose spirit receiveth not the light is under condemnation."3 (D. & C. 93:31-32).

This Spirit that has been in man from the beginning and is plainly manifest is the voice of conscience that whispers out of the "midst" of him. Those who reject this voice are under condemnation for they follow not the light of its guiding, and groping in darkness fail to fulfill their full pattern of life.

I once asked a group of young people what repentance is. A very beautiful young woman answered, "It is that wormy feeling you get when you do something you shouldn't."

I think that is one of the most complete answers ever given in one sentence. Repentance is truly a wormy feeling, but it is beautiful with all its "worminess," when understood, for it is the only true guide to life. By giving ear to that Spirit of Christ, in hearing its rebukes, then letting its fires purge out the results of the mistakes committed, leaving the slate clean, and the pattern of life close to the touch. This voice is the only true guide to perfect living. That is why no one can possibly live the life of another -- and no two lives have the same pattern -- the same mission and destiny. Each person must get the vision and the courage to live his life as he sees it, regardless of what "the neighbors say," or what anyone says. He must be directed from "within" to meet his highest destiny. This voice of conscience is not always disapproving, or a rebuking voice. It is also that loving voice of approval -- that divine voice within us -- the voice of God. It contains our true pattern of life, revealed to us day by day, moment by moment as we live by it. This voice will as surely lift a man from mediocrity as it will lift the plant from the seed. It alone can bring the full flower of fulfillment into the life of each individual. No person was ever born without it. None are so lowly, none so insignificant, so devoid of gifts and talents so friendless and alone that they cannot fill a perfect pattern of their individual existence if they will learn to contact that "Still, Small voice within." This voice is the true Word of God that will lead to the life abundant, perfect and free.

Only as one learns to live by this infallible guide can he possibly live true to himself, or true to God. This voice is the "Spirit of Truth" speaking within him. It never flatters. It never condemns without cause. It is the one true, unfailing, all-knowing, dependable friend.

All the days of my life, kindly intentioned people have been giving me advice on how to live my life. They are well-meaning individuals who wish to help me live my life as they live theirs, and I love them for it, and their advice is just perfect for their lives -- and for what they would do if they were in my place. But they are not in my place, therefore their advice is all wrong for me, and for my life. In fact, it is darkness to me. Only that inner voice can possibly guide me in my mission in life -- and only that voice can truly guide you to reach and fulfill your highest destiny, be that destiny what it may.

Every great person has had to live true to that inner voice or they would never have achieved greatness. Abraham Lincoln, with no opportunities and no backing of friends, except that guiding voice within, reached his high destiny in honor and directed America through its most crucial period.

The complete pattern of your life in all its divine power of fulfillment is contained as completely within that all-knowing center as the pattern of the flower is within the seed. Only you have contact with your pattern of life -- only you can keep that contact open. No one can do that for you. Neither can you do it for another. Each individual must learn to live true to his own pattern in order to truly reach his magnificent dignity of complete fulfillment.

If you wish to give advice, to comfort, to help -- then teach those whom you contact, or who come to you for help, how to find God -- teach them how to listen to that voice within their own souls. That is the greatest service you can possibly render anyone. Teach them how to "be still" and know God.

That same "wormy" voice of conscience that can make you feel like the very "lowest thing on earth" is also the first to pat you on the back when you do the noble, or the splendid, unselfish thing. Its very approval sings out in a melody of glory at every task well done. It never lies. It never flatters. It never over-estimates. It just knows and is. It is the very Spirit of Truth or of "Light that enlightens every man that cometh into the world." It is the truest friend man ever had. Listen to that voice and you will never fail in anything. You will never feel deserted and alone as long as you listen to that voice, or the Word of God planted deep within your own soul. You will go forward from one achievement to another as you learn to hold to it, even as to an iron rod. Thus you will climb the ladder of destiny -- your own great destiny -- for within every human being the seed of greatness lies waiting. Only by and through the direction of this voice can you go from grace to grace as new levels of progress unfold.

There is no such thing as glory without effort, salvation without price. And in order to reach the light, one must learn to walk in the light. "And he whose spirit refuseth to receive the light is under condemnation."

Learning to heed this voice does not rob one of his free-agency, for it is his willingness or unwillingness to follow or heed it that makes life a glory or a failure. Every man is entitled to "free doom". His free-agency is used in making the choice of unfolding his life in its true pattern of perfection, or marring it continually with his mistakes. In following the glorious voice of his true inner self, that knows and comprehends all things, he lives above the groping, blundering conscious mind, with its lack of understanding, its changing whims and moods, its instabilities. He lives in contact with the super-conscious mind at all times. And with this growing understanding, and divine contact he will soon find that the voice not only speaks after he has acted in blind, blundering ignorance -- but will speak before the act is done, before the harsh or false word is spoken. Thus all mistakes can be eliminated. Two of the ancient Greek scholars claimed that whenever they even began to speak the wrong thing they would be stopped, or warned -- and by following the warning their works have lived down the centuries.

This glorious voice of approval that pats one on the back with such warm affection, filling his whole being with that "good feeling" within, is not the voice of ego with its blare of self-importance or self-righteousness. Ego is of the conscious mind entirely, and is completely mortal and of the flesh. That glorious voice of conscience is of the soul. It is the Spirit of Christ that is born in every man. It is the voice of God that Christ followed so lovingly and so gratefully. It is the vine, yielding life and strength and power to us, for of ourselves, truly we can do nothing of value. Only as we abide in the vine can our lives and our works become glorious. (John 15).

The trouble with most of us is that when we get that "good feeling" over something we have done, we wish to hold on to it by retelling what it was we did -- and just how we did it, even magnifying our goodness in the telling. This is a very grave mistake. That feeling is the abiding voice of God in the secret chamber of our own souls. It is the sacred voice that comes to each of us, individually, as we enter the Holy of Holies, or our own closet, or inner soul, to pray to God. This inner approval is an individual and sacred experience and is not meant to be shared openly, else if it is, we have received our reward -- the empty praise of the world. When that public acclaim or approval means more than the reward which only the Father can give, then we may have the public acclaim -- but it will be empty and meaningless compared to that loving direction that will lead us on up the high stairway of achievement so that it may be made apparent openly by the power of Almighty God Himself. Any man who "toots his own horn" will fail utterly in receiving great honors from His Father in heaven.

Thus understanding just how this glorious power or law of God works in our lives we can understand just why it is not good to tell our left hand what our right hand does, for by so doing we have received all the reward we are entitled to -- the reward of the flesh, and have forfeited our right to the greater reward -- the reward promised by our Father. The very telling of the good we have done becomes boasting and immediately places a false standard before us. This method causes us to lose contact with that inner voice which contains our true pattern of life. Gradually the flattering praises of men become the only voice we live for, and the greatness that was meant for us has been sacrificed upon the altar of vanity.

Christ was never known to repeat in words any good He ever accomplished -- but living true to the voice within he was rewarded openly -- two thousand years of homage paid by the loving devotion of a world.

Only the approval of that inner voice matters in anyone's life. No outside opinion counts, for the full, glorious pattern of each individual's life is enfolded minutely within that seed of all-knowing, locked waiting within each man's soul. It can only be brought forth gradually as the seed grows into the plant, and the plant is glorified by the unfoldment of its own blossoms. If man desires to get in step with the great forward marching glory of the whole universe then he will have to do so by learning to heed that voice of conscience, or that "still small voice" within -- that guiding voice of light that stands knocking on the door of his consciousness, waiting to be admitted. This is the light that was apparent from the beginning -- and man rejected the light. Follow that inner voice or guide and you will ascend to a life of honor and fulfillment as surely as the flower rises from the seed, the oak from the acorn, or the bird comes forth from the egg.

Know with all your heart and soul that you have His approval and your road will become a road of high honor though it leads to the gallows -- and though you lose your life, yet shall you find it, for all things shall be added unto you and your works will stand forever as a beacon light to those who wish to stand above the low, common, mediocre way of life.

It takes great courage to stand alone against the world, to live true to your own destiny and calling for the simple reason that so few have dared to step forth and live their own lives in the complete freedom in the perfection of God's sublime direction. But as one understands the road of his own high destiny courage will be given, it will enfold him as a shining armour. It is the Joans of Arc, the Columbuses, the Magellans, the Roger Bacons and the Patrick Henrys who were willing to give their lives for what they felt to be true that have been the truly great of the earth.

The late Robert Henri, the great artist with a living soul, said, "Each genius differs from the mass in that he has found freedom for his greatness: the greatness is everywhere, in every man, in every child. What our civilization is busy doing, mainly, is smothering greatness -- we fear people who live simply and beautifully -- then condemn them. It is only if they are great enough to outlive our condemnation that we accept them . . . The great revolution in the world which is to equalize opportunity, bring peace and freedom, must be a spiritual thing in each one. Our education has led away from the realization that the mystery of nature is in each man. When we are wiser we will not assume to mould ourselves (or let others mould us), but will make our ignorance stand aside -- hands off -- and will watch our own development. We will learn from ourselves."

In other words, we will learn to live by the pattern that is contained within each one of us -- I by my pattern -- you by yours. We will cease trying to fit everyone into the same mould. We will each respect the other in his work and calling and will be respected ourselves as we fulfill our own individual pattern of life, attentive to that all-knowing, all-loving voice from within.

Learn to listen to that voice, love it. This is the "feeling after God" mentioned in Acts 17:27. Thank that deep inner-knowing for its rebukes. Apologize to it for your mistakes, and promise it that you will try to do better -- and then live true to that promise. You will soon glory in the amazing closeness of that divine contact. Even a discordant thought or vibration is felt by it, for it is all-knowing, ever present, and completely aware of every thought and feeling within one. This light of Christ, or Spirit of Christ is the inner reality of each individual.

"Therefore it is given to abide in you: the record of heaven; the Comforter; the peaceable things of immortal glory; the truth of all things; that which quickeneth all things, which maketh alive all things; that which knoweth all things, and hath all power, according to wisdom, mercy, truth, justice and judgment."4 (Moses 6:61).

"Wide is the gate and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction and many there be that go in thereat.

"For narrow is the gate and straight the way that leads to life, and few there be who find it." (Matt. 7:13-14).

"I am come that they might have life -- and have it more abundant."

This abundant life for each individual is learning to live in contact with the abiding light and power of that divine contact with the Spirit of Christ, which is within. Ask this "voice of conscience", this "still, small voice" for help and understanding when you stand upon the threshold of the tempest and it will respond, and legions shall fly to do your bidding. Rejoice with it over its approvals, and enjoy that glorious "good feeling" to the very tips of your toes as its light tingles in every fibre of your being with that divine, inner satisfaction. Learn to follow that voice to the very seat of its inner chamber -- and it will lead you to the Christ -- and He will reveal the Father to you as given so often in the record of St. John.

"We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts.' (II. Peter 1:16-19).

Love that voice within. Praise it. Honor it, and it will become a constant glory in your life. Seal your ears against it and you will ensnare your soul in darkness and your life with failure.

Two boys can steal a bag of marbles. Both will hear that rebuke from within. One heeds it and permits that "wormy" feeling to have its cleansing work. And you may be sure that that boy will not steal again. The other, by refusing to be rebuffed, and by hardening his heart and sealing his mind, rejoices that he was not caught. Later he will steal, perhaps a knife -- a purse -- a car -- a gun -- anything and everything he can possibly take. This is the road of all criminals -- the road away from the true pattern of life within. For this is "The light that was plainly manifest from the beginning, and man rejected the light, and is therefore under condemnation." And being without this great directing principle of tender, loving, all-knowing light is the greatest condemnation that is possible to bear. This in itself is a burden of utter darkness. No one becomes a criminal by one act alone. No man becomes a saint by any one act of goodness. But every act is a step along the road of destiny.

"Plant a thought and reap an act -

Plant an act and reap a habit --

Plant a habit and reap a character --

Plant a character and reap a destiny."

It is when the conscience is seared with a red-hot iron so that the inner voice is silenced within one that "he is without hope -- and he who is without hope must needs be in despair-- and despair cometh because of iniquity."5 (Moroni 10:22). And iniquity is the sin of losing contact with that inner voice -- it is every thought, feeling, act or vibration that is out of harmony with the true pattern of one's own divine existence.

"There is a way -- and ways -- and THE way.

And the high man travels the high way,

And the low man travels the low --

And in between, on the misty flats

The rest drift to and fro.

But for every man that goeth

There's a high way and a low --

And every man decideth

The way his soul shall go."

It is most certainly true that "we aren't what we think we are -- we are only what we think." If we think according to the rhythm and pattern of our own melody of life there can be no failure, no darkness, no dismay. There can be only unfolding light and glory and joy and happiness.

"And Christ truly said unto our fathers: if ye have faith ye can do all things which are expedient unto me.

"And now I speak unto all the ends of the earth -- that if the day cometh that the power and gifts of God shall be done away among you, it shall be because of unbelief.

"And woe be unto the children of men if this be the case; for there shall be none that doeth good among you, no, not one. For if there be one among you that doeth good, he shall work by the power and gifts of God.

"And woe unto them who shall do these things away and die, for they die in their sins, and they cannot be saved in the kingdom of God; and I speak it according to the words of Christ; and I lie not." -- "And except ye have charity (love) ye can in nowise be saved in the kingdom of God; neither can ye be saved in the kingdom of God if ye have not faith; neither if ye have no hope."6 (Moroni 10:22-26-21).

This hopelessness that is spoken of, that comes because of iniquity is a condition that comes to one who has lost contact with his own pattern of perfect unfoldment and achievement -- when he has failed to find its approving whisper, its guiding direction and is left unto himself to grope blindly in the mud and darkness. As long as one lives by this unfailing, infallible guide there can be no darkness, no despair, no hopelessness. It is when this guide has been forsaken, or ignored, or silenced by transgression or the hardness of one's heart that one is truly under condemnation. Thus life becomes a drab, mediocre thing of outer show and inner frustration. It becomes a thing of failure instead of an experience of increasing joy and unfolding glory.

This inner voice should also be identified with the voice of faith that soon becomes "knowing" as one follows it to its fulfillment. "For faith promises all things -- and it fulfills all things."

In the beginning, this whole glorious force of faith, or light, through which and by which the worlds are and were created and which is the light thereof and the power thereof, and is also the light that is within man was called "Christ," and that is the great and glorious Word of all-power. This is also "The Father within" that Christ was always giving such humble credit and honor to. It is absolutely the only true guide to perfect, glorious living.

For those who insist on unrestricted freedom to live their own lives as they desire, without any suggestions from any source, I would like to say, that is their privilege. Every one is entitled to this "free doom." But the "free" should be left out, for there is no such thing as free doom. The price of doom is the highest price that can be paid for anything. The price of doom is the price of one's self respect, the price of his strength, his peace of mind, his joy, his glory of achievement, and eventually the very highest price that can be paid for anything -- the price of his own soul. "And if a man should gain the whole world and lose his own soul what would it profit him?"

No, doom is not free. For it there is required the highest price of all. And the thing bought at such a cost? What is its true value and of what does it consist? It is the burned out ashes of regret -- the dregs of a cup -- the bitterness without the sweet. It is failure and remorse. It is outer-darkness, misery and death.

Only as one learns to follow the infallible guide within his own soul -- that "Still small voice" of love and gentle tenderness, of knowledge and power, which is given to abide within each man, can he fulfill his destiny in honor.

"For it is given to abide in you; the record of heaven; the Comforter; the peaceable things of immortal glory; the truth of all things; that which quickeneth all things, which maketh alive all things; that which knoweth all things, and hath all power, according to wisdom, mercy, truth, justice and judgment."



1. RLDS D&C 85:2b-3b: he that ascended up on high, as also he descended below all things, in that he comprehended all things, that he might be in all and through all things, the light of truth, which truth shineth. This is the light of Christ. As also he is in the sun, and the light of the sun, and the power thereof by which it was made. As also he is in the moon, and is the light of the moon, and the power thereof by which it was made. As also the light of the stars, and the power thereof by which they were made. And the earth also, and the power thereof, even the earth upon which you stand. And the light which now shineth, which giveth you light, is through him who enlighteneth your eyes, which is the same light that quickeneth your understandings; which light proceedeth forth from the presence of God, to fill the immensity of space. The light which is in all things; which giveth life to all things; which is the law by which all things are governed; even the power of God who sitteth upon his throne, who is in the bosom of eternity, who is in the midst of all things. return to paragraph →

2. RLDS D&C 85:12e: The light shineth in darkness, and the darkness comprehendeth it not; nevertheless, the day shall come when you shall comprehend even God; being quickened in him, and by him. return to paragraph →

3. RLDS D&C 90:5c-5d: Behold, here is the agency of man, and here is the condemnation of man, because that which was from the beginning is plainly manifest unto them, and they receive not the light. And every man whose spirit receiveth not the light is under condemnation, for man is spirit. return to paragraph →

4. Genesis 6:64 IVB: Therefore it is given to abide in you, the record of heaven, the Comforter, the peaceable things of immortal glory, the truth of all things, that which quickeneth all things which maketh alive all things, that which knoweth all things, and hath all power according to wisdom, mercy, truth, justice and judgment. return to paragraph →

5. Moroni 10:16 RLDS 1908 Book of Mormon: Neither can ye be saved in the kingdom of God, if ye have not faith; neither can ye if ye have no hope; and if ye have no hope, ye must needs be in despair; and despair cometh because of iniquity. return to paragraph →

6. Moroni 10:15-21 RLDS 1908 Book of Mormon: Wherefore, there must be faith; and if there must be faith, there must also be hope; and if there must be hope, there must also be charity; and except ye have charity, ye can in no wise be saved in the kingdom of God; Neither can ye be saved in the kingdom of God, if ye have not faith; neither can ye if ye have no hope; and if ye have no hope, ye must needs be in despair; and despair cometh because of iniquity. And Christ truly said unto our fathers, If ye have faith, ye can do all things which are expedient unto me. And now I speak unto all the ends of the earth, that if the day cometh that the power and gifts of God shall be done away among you, it shall be because of unbelief. And wo be unto the children of men, if this be the case, for there shall be none that doeth good among you, no not one. For if there be one among you that doeth good, he shall work by the power and gifts of God. And wo unto them who shall do these things away and die, for they die in their sins, and they can not be saved in the kingdom of God; and I speak it according to the words of Christ, and I lie not. return to paragraph →